摘 要:2012年8月底,合康高压变频器在河北安丰钢铁6300kW/10kV烧结同步电动机上再次投用。本文总结了现场调试过程中的经验和注意事项,同时还介绍了PLC和继电器两种控制方式对同步电机励磁电流的投励和灭磁。
关键词:烧结同步电动机 PLC 合康高压变频器
Abstract: At the end of August 2012, Hiconics MV drives was put into operation again on
6300kW/10kV Sintering Synchronous Motor in Anfeng Steel. The paper summarizes the heads
ups and experiences of the onsite commissioning, and also introduces the excitation input and
excitation suppressing of the synchronous motor exc