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AB PowerFlex755变频器在转炉炼钢中的应用

作 者:张志杰 杨锋 张克林 来自:2015年第12期"系统应用" 阅读 21841

  要:文章介绍了120吨转炉倾动变频器由AB 1336升级替换为AB PowerFlex755的技术方案和现场应用情况。结果表明,变频改造后实现了转炉的稳定高效运行,满足转炉炼钢的操作需求,达到了很好的节能降耗效果。

关键词:AB755    变频器    转炉

Abstract: This paper introduces the upgrade technical scheme and application of 120t converter inverter that is replaced from AB 1336 to AB PowerFlex755. The results show that the converter can achieve stable and efficient operation, the converter can meet the requirements of the operation of the converter
