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作 者:杨阳 徐建民 来自:2016年第6期"系统应用" 阅读 21542

摘  要:换热站作为供热网路与热用户之间的连接场所,其供热品质对热网工况的改善和供热质量的好坏起着重要作用。换热站变频调速控制系统主要由PLC控制器、变频器和PID控制器及调节阀组成,本文主要针对换热站循环水泵和补水泵变频控制进行设计。
Abstract: Heat exchanger station as the connection between the heat supply network and heat users, the heating quality and heating on the improvement of the working condition of the heat-supply quality plays an important role. Heat exchanger station frequency control of motor speed control system is mainly composed o