作 者:王珍明 刘仁龙 来自:2016年第7期"高压变频器" 阅读 21712 次
摘 要:合康高压变频器在大庆中瑞天燃气冷剂压缩机1250kW/6kV无刷励磁同步电动机上成功投用。本文介绍了无刷励磁同步电动机的同步投切系统,并对变频器与励磁系统配合情况进行简单介绍。
Abstract: Hiconics high-voltage inverter in Daqing Swiss natural gas refrigerant compressor 1250kW / 6kV brushless synchronous motor successfully put into use. This article describes the brushless synchronous motor synchronous switching system, and make a brief introduction to excitation system with inverter.
Key words: Hiconics high[登陆后可查看全文]