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作 者:李慧鹏 来自:2018年第7期"系统应用" 阅读 18065

 摘  要:本章首先对网侧逆变器进行数学建模,然后在其基础上提出了有功功率和无功功率解耦控制的策略,并网电压定向使用了软件锁相环的方法,提高了锁相速度,开关器件使用IGBT为双向开关,所以网侧逆变器除了可以工作在逆变状态也可工作在整流状态,实现四象限运行。
Abstract: In this chapter, we first mathematically model the grid-side inverter, and then put forward the strategy of decoupling control of active power and reactive power on the basis of it. The method of software phase-locked loop, IGBT switching devices for the two-way switch, so the grid-side inve