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作 者:翟世宽 王立学 来自:2018年第8期"高压变频器" 阅读 17794

 摘  要:本文分析了中厚板厂3500产线两台高压水除鳞泵非主动端推力轴承连续烧损的原因,通过采用优化控制程序、增加伴热带、做好设备现场和管道防寒保温等改进措施,最后取得了较好效果,避免了类似事故再次发生,同时也为使用高压水除鳞设备的同行提供了借鉴经验。
Abstract: This paper analyzes the reasons for the continuous burning of the non active end thrust bearing of two high-pressure water descaling pumps in the 3500 production line of the Medium plate. Through the improvement of the control program, the increase of the tropical zone, the improvement