
免费订阅电子杂志立即订阅 推动中国变频器产业发展
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作 者:张建凯 王宇凡 罗超威 郑卫刚 来自:2018年第9期"伺服控制" 阅读 17209

摘  要:设计了一种公共汽车室内自燃警报及自动灭火系统,该设计的原理是利用红外检测仪检测公共汽车内的温度,检测车内着火位置,并预警,进而执行自动喷射泡沫,达到灭火的目的,防止公共汽车自燃。
Abstract: A kind of indoor spontaneous combustion alarm and automatic fire extinguishing system is designed. The principle of this design is to use infrared detector to detect the temperature inside the bus, detect the position of fire in the car, and to give an early warning, and then execute the automatic injection bubble bath to achieve the fire ext