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作 者:郑培峰 郑云玲 郭培彬 来自:2018年第10期"高压变频器" 阅读 18159

摘  要:本文介绍了新风光电子科技股份有限公司生产的高压变频器在兖矿国际焦化有限公司焦炉除尘风机中的应用情况。通过改造,实现了焦炉除尘风机的高效运行,达到了节能降耗的目的。
Abstract: This paper introduces the application of high-voltage inverter produced by Windsun Electronic Technology Development Co., Ltd. in the dust removal fan of Yankuang International Coking Co., Ltd. Through the transformation, the efficient operation of the coke oven dust removal fan is realized, and the purpose of energy saving and consumption reduc