PISO-PS400/S 高速4轴运动控制卡
• 独立的4轴运动控制
• 32位编码计数器
• 2/3-axis线型插补功能
• 2-axis环型插补功能
• 连续插补功能
• 可编程T/S-curve加速和减速
• 每轴最大4M pps输出率
• 脉冲输出类型:正反转模式 或者 单脉冲模式
• 编码器脉冲输入类型:A/B phase or Up/Down
PISO-PS400/S 高速4轴运动控制卡
DN-8468 接线端子板
CA-SCSI15 68针母电缆接头
The PISO-PS400 is a 4-axis stepping/pulse-type servo motor control card that can be used on any IPC with 5V PCI bus, and is suitable for general-purpose motion applications. This card also contains one port of FRnet which allows IPC to expand its fast remote I/O easily. This two-wired FRnet can have maximum 128 DI and 128 DO, and they are automatically scanned with a period of 2.88 ms.
PISO-PS400 contains a high-performance motion ASIC. Apart from a wide speed range, this intelligent motion controller also has a variety of motion control functions built in, such as 2/3- axis linear interpolation, 2-axis circular interpolation, T/S-curve acceleration/deceleration, various synchronous actions, automatic homing, and others. In addition, most of the PISO-PS400 motion control functions are performed with little load on the processor. The motion status, FRnet I/O, and the other I/O cards on IPC can still be monitored while driving. As a result of the low CPU loading requirements of the PISO-PS400, one or more motion cards can be used on a single IPC. ICPDAS has also provided a variety of functions and examples to reduce the need for programming by users, making it a highly cost-effective solution for motion builders.
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