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 Market Leader in Fluid Power and Fluid Control
With over 100 years experience, ASCO Numatics is a leader in fluid power and fluid control markets. Several thousands of customers in various sectors such as the food, packaging, handling, chemical, petrochemical, energy, wood and paper, and automobile industries (just to name a few), trust ASCO Numatics for the industrial automation solutions we provide.

A Wide Range of Products and Services
With an ever-expanding catalogue of over 12,000 references, we offer a wide range of products for industrial automation (pneumatic components) as well as fluid control components (solenoid and pressure operated valves). Their reliability, sturdiness, performance and ease of installation are qualities for which they are highly recognised.

The Total Quality Concept
The excellence of all our products, proven by several national and international standards and quality control boards, is guaranteed by the total quality program enforced throughout the company. All ASCO Numatics production sites are accredited ISO 9001. They function with high tech machines and production tools as well as computerised production management system. All steps in a product development, from design onto testing, production, logistics, and finally delivery, are regularly subject to rigorous quality controls.

Innovation : A Priority
ASCO Numatics is always prepared for new market requests. Product development is directly geared to new customer needs. By prioritising research, we continually enrich our product line with components associating electronics and pneumatics and by integrating complementary functions in our standard products. Developing our ranges of compact sized components with increased performances is also a priority.

Our Ambition : The Ability to Give the Best Service Possible
ASCO Numatics's 1000 sales points (200 in Europe) are located throughout the world. This widespread though tight knit network enables our customers to benefit from high accessibility and short delivery times. The 300 members of ASCO Numatics's European sales staff contribute to reinforcing the closeness, availability and competence we dedicate to our customers.
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