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作 者:袁文波 车佳磊 来自:2016年第11期"离散制造" 阅读 23551

 要:在介绍了工程背景的基础上,研讨监控系统软件NC2000S7-200 PLC、触摸屏、显示和操作面板、主回路和控制回路。还对变频控制原理进行介绍和说明,为类似系统研究、设计和应用提供借鉴。

关键词:可编程控制器   NC2000   变频器   监控系统

Abstract: The environment of the project is briefly introduced, not only the design for computer supervisory control system of water supply in an industrial plant that includes the domestic computer supervisory software of NC2000, S7-200 PLC, the touch panel, the face panel, main circuit and control circui
