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作 者:杨晓冬 任辉 来自:2017年第1期"智慧工厂" 阅读 22124

  要:本文以西门子S7-300系列PLCS7-1200系列PLC为研究对象,以十字路口交通灯为例,利用TIA Portal V13编程软件进行硬件组态和软件编程。实现了两台PLC之间的以太网通信以及触摸屏对两台PLC的监控功能。

关键词:西门子PLC   以太网   触摸屏

Abstract: The Siemens S7-300 series PLC and S7-1200 series PLC are chose as the research object in this paper. The intersection traffic lights are exampled by using the TIA Portal V13 programming software for the hardware configuration and software programming. The Ethernet communication between PLC and touch sc
