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作 者:冯金义 来自:2015年第11期"" 阅读 21370

摘  要:针对煤矿井下短路、过载、漏电、过压、欠压等电力系统故障,本文设计以和利时LM3108GPLC为核心的高压防爆开关综合保护器装置。结合保护装置的主要功能,设计了系统总体结构,并进行软硬件设计。

关键词:和利时   PLC   高压   综合保护器

Abstract: For power system fault of coal mine undergroundsuch as short circuit, overload,

leakage, over-voltage, under-voltage, a high-voltage explosion-proof switch protection device is

designed based on the core of the LM3108G type PLC. Combined with main function of

protection device, the system ove
