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基于S7-200 SMART的运动纸带图案检测系统

作 者:赵雷 饶俊 来自:2016年第4期"离散制造" 阅读 21678

   要:根据烟草卷接及成型设备的质量检测的工艺需求,开发基于S7-200 SMART的检测系统,依据现场调试过程,提出基于S7-200 SMART技术对策。系统现场运行稳定、可靠。

关键词:S7-200 SMART    图案检测     烟草设备     PLC

AbstractThe process according to the needs of quality testing of the tobacco roll and then molding equipment developed based on S7-200 SMART detection system, according to on-site commissioning process is proposed based on S7-200 SMART technical countermeasures. Site system
