摘 要:本文主要内容为介绍永宏PLC在斜背式标签印刷机的应用。该设备主要实现印刷(四色),模切,烫金或覆膜功能,设备使用了永宏PLC控制器及触摸屏;通过现场调试达到误差精度在0.1mm的误差范以内,并且在350mm的印刷速度达到150pec/min以上。
关键词:永宏PLC 斜背式 印刷
Abstract:This paper describes the main contents FATEK PLC in the hatchback trademark printing press. The equipment is mainly to achieve printing (four colors), cutting, stamping, or film, the device uses the FATEK PLC controller and touch screen; error by commissioning achieve accuracy within the error rang