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作 者:刘星 来自:2017年第7期"流程制造" 阅读 21349

  要:本文介绍利用协议转换器(或称为网桥、网关)实现西门子S7-1200/S7-1500 PLC与带有MODBUS变频器、仪表设备通讯接口进行方便、高效的数据交换。

关键词:PROFINET   CMDC2PN9   PLC   网关

Abstract: In this paper, we use the protocol converter (or bridge, gateway) to realize the convenient and efficient data exchange between the SIEMENS S7-1200/S7-1500 PLC and the communication interface with the MODBUS transducer and instrument. 

Key words: PROFINET   CMDxA9   PLC   Gateway

