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作 者:金鹏 来自:2018年第2期"离散制造" 阅读 18044

   要:自动仓库存储系统逐渐成为现在企业不可缺少的重要部分。OPC Server 是通讯统一标准的应用软件,已经广泛的应用在各种工业自动化领域以及由于永宏高功能型PLCHMI的性价比相对于其他品牌较高,所以永宏经济型PLCHMIOPC在小型自动仓库存储系统中的应用前景很好。

关键词:永宏PLC   OPC   自动仓库存储系统

Abstract: Automated warehouse storage system has become an indispensable part of the widely used in the field of industrial automation as well as various FATEK high function PLC and HMI price is higher compared to other brands, so the application prospect of FATEK P
