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基于DataMan 100的粗糙表面读码

作 者:陈洪生 来自:2018年第5期"机器视觉" 阅读 18436

   要:汽车工件粗糙表面低质量二维码读码论题。基于强大的2DMax+ 解码算法,DataMan 100读码器可以在恶劣环境精确读取二维码信息,不必更改加工工艺,为企业节省了大量的时间与成本。

关键词:DataMan 100   2DMax+    粗糙表面   读码   工件  

Abstract: The low-quality QR code reading problem for rough surface of automotive parts. Based on the powerful 2DMax+ decoding algorithm, the DataMan 100 reader can accurately read two-dimensional code information in harsh environments without changing the pr
