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作 者:周志敏 来自:2018年第7期"离散制造" 阅读 17711

 摘  要:本文在简介了PROFIBUS-DP系统所包括的三种不同类型设备的基础上,重点阐述了PROFIBUS-DP的总线存取过程应遵循的原则及PROFIBUS-DP系统行为和行规。
关键词:系统设备   系统行为   系统行规
Abstract: Based on three different types of equipment in this paper including the brief introduction of PROFIBUS-DP system, Focuses on the behavior and norm principle and PROFIBUS-DP system bus access PROFIBUS-DP should follow.
Key Words: System device   System behavior   Norm system
【中图分类号】S972.7+4 【文献标识码】B 文章编号16