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作 者:李超 来自:2018年第9期"技术瞭望" 阅读 17541

摘  要: 目前的无线输电的方式主要有三种:微波辐射式、电磁感应式、磁耦合谐振式。磁耦合谐振式与前两种方式相比,具有传输距离适中、传输效率高、对线圈错位不敏感等优势,在电动汽车、植入式医疗、便携式移动设备等领域引起了广泛的关注和研究。
关键词:无线输电   磁耦合谐振
Abstract: At present, there are mainly three ways of wireless power transfer, inductively coupled, microwave radiation and magnetically couple resonant. Compared with the first two ways, magnetically couple resonant has many advantages, for instance, high transfer efficiency in medium transmitting distance, insensitive to