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作 者:周志敏 来自:2018年第10期"技术瞭望" 阅读 17319

 摘  要:本文在简介了PROFIBUS-DP特性及特点的基础上,重点阐述了PROFIBUS-DP的基本功能及PROFIBUS-DP规范的物理层、数据链路层、管理层、用户层。
关键词: 特性  功能  规范
Abstract:  On the basis of introducing the characteristics and characteristics of PROFIBUS-DP, this paper focuses on the basic functions of PROFIBUS-DP and the physical layer, data link layer, management layer and user layer of PROFIBUS-DP specification.
Key words: Characteristic  Functional  Specification
【中图分类号】TN91【文献标识码】B 文章编号1606-5123