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作 者:刘洪呈 杨晓冬 来自:2018年第10期"离散制造" 阅读 17379

摘  要:本文利用西门子1200PLC和NX软件,结合KTP700PN触摸屏通过以太网通信实现了对模型的仿真控制。系统能够实现三维模型自动完成贴标,同时也可通过触摸屏实现贴标系统的启停、复位等控制功能。
关键词:西门子PLC   NX   触摸屏
Abstract: This paper uses Siemens 1200PLC and NX software,combined with KTP700PN touch screen to achieve simulation control of the model through Ethernet communication.The system can realize the automatic completion of labeling of the three-dimensional model and realize the control functions such as start-stop and reset of the labeling syst