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作 者:刘宁宁 王运光 来自:2018年第10期"智慧工厂" 阅读 17026

摘  要:对跳汰生产过程中能间接反映出床层松散度的浮标信号进行小波分析,数据分析表明,不同的松散度对应的频带能量不同,提出了用频带能量作为表征床层平均松散度状况的特征向量。 
关键词:跳汰机   浮标信号   小波分析   松散度
Abstract: In the paper Wavelet is used to analyze signal of buoy, which can indirectly reflect information of dilation of jig bed. Data analysis indicates that different dilation corresponds different energy in different frequency band, so we select energy in different frequency band as the eigenvector which can denote a