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  • 课程类型:现场培训
  • 开始时间:2014-02-24  结束时间:2014-02-25
  • 状态:状态
  • 讲师:
  • 发布日期:2013-12-27
  • 课时:0
  • 浏览次数:31723
  • 加入收藏


中国 上海






这个研讨会是为采购管理人员和个人准备的。如果您是采购管理者(主管, 经理, 董事, 副总裁, 首席采购官), 您需要在组织里有一个强有力的团队来建立您的成功。但有时,您的采购团队成员的技术水平可能会对您产生阻碍。您节省的成本低于能达到的水平,您的内部客户对采购部门有负面的看法,您发现自己陷入到许多问题中,而这些问题是采购人员自己应该能够解决的。







请联系Whitney Shen来讨论合作的可能:

电话:+86 28 8532 7678






Cherry Huang
Martin Linking Business Consulting Company Limited
T: +86 25 8485 5633
F: +86 25 8485 5933

Email: Cherry.huang@ulinking.com

Strategic Purchasing and Supplier Relationship


Shanghai, China

24th &25th February 2014

MARTIN LINKING is convening the Strategic Purchasing and Supplier Relationship on 24th &25th February, 2014 in Shanghai.

Overview and Benefits:

Over the years purchasing has become a very strategic focus for companies since a good portion of the product costs are in purchased goods or services. If you are unaware of the latest tools and techniques in purchasing, you may be in a big surprise since your suppliers are well equipped with the latest tools and techniques.

Benefits for purchasing leaders:

The motivation of the seminar is from both the purchasing leader and for the individuals. If you are a purchasing leader (supervisor, manager, director, VP, CPO), you need a strong team in your organization's to build your success. But sometimes, the skill levels of your purchasing team members can hold you back. Your cost savings are lower than they could be, your internal customers have a negative perception of the purchasing department, and you find yourself being dragged into many problems that buyers should be able to solve on their own.

Build your team to deliver better results and have senior management recognize the purchasing department as a strategic contributor to the organization's success. Not only would you improve your reputation as a great leader, you'd probably be rewarded and experience less struggle and stress. And, yes, you can improve your results with the existing purchasing team. No severance letters or new candidate recruiting is required.

Benefits for individuals:

As an individual, you deserve getting the optimal results from your hard work. This is not only from working hard, working smart with proper methodologies are important to get results. You will find that this seminar has opened up many doors for you in getting your job done right. You will instantly deliver better results after the seminar; you will get noticed from your outstanding contribution to the corporate bottom line. This can become a fast track in moving up

your career.

When leaders like you working in a purchasing training plan, they are relieved to know that transforming their teams for improved results doesn't have to be an insurmountable task. If you have a team of five or more, you can qualify for a group discount on our purchasing seminar.

In-House Training Solutions:

If you have a number of delegates with similar training needs, then you may wish to consider having an In-House Training solution delivered locally on-site. Course can be tailored to specific requirements.

Please contact Whitney Shen on +86 28 8532 7678 or email whitney.shen@martinlinking.net to discuss further possibilities.

About Martin Linking:

Martin Linking Business Consulting plans to produce more than 80 trainings and conferences and works with senior executives from the majority of the world's top 1000 companies to improve their business strategy and match their learning and training needs in one year. And we continue to grow.

We also invite the leading business practitioners, industry decision makers and innovators to share insights, best business practice, and new technology at our forums. We are dedicated to give attendees cutting edge information they can use immediately. We constantly research and listen to all industry sectors to ensure that the business intelligence we provide is timely and cutting-edge.

For more information please contact:

Cherry Huang
Martin Linking Business Consulting Company Limited
T: +86 25 8485 5633
F: +86 25 8485 5933

Email: Cherry.huang@ulinking.com

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